
Natreceutique-Med_Badge Illustration.jpg
Nature distilled in its most pristine form.
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Natrèceutique is founded on the idea that the medical world and the natural world do not have to conflict but can find shared ground to make skin beautiful. If a dermatologist were to create a luxury natural line, this is what it would look like.
That means we:

Keep it Simple: No dash of this, dash of that formulation style. For us that means, no fragrances (natural or not). No essential oils. No allergens.

Speak the language of a dermatologist: which means provide products to help correct the most common issues they treat. However, also help prevent concerns and nourish the skin as part of a holistic approach.

Focus on Efficacy: Choose natural actives and use them in high and effective concentrations while paying attention to their processing. Avoid harsh solvents and byproducts to preserve the integrity of natural actives.